MIG Welders
Here at HTP America®/USAWeld® we offer a variety of inverter-based MIG welders.
Our inverter MIG welders, which feature electronic adjustments controlled by a microprocessor, allow you to achieve excellent welding quality thanks to the advanced technologies applied. The microprocessor circuit controls and optimizes arc transfer irrespective of the load variation and of the impedance of the welding cables. The inverter technology used in our welding machines enabled us to obtain the following:
♦ Machines with extremely low weights and compact dimensions
♦ Reduced energy consumption
♦ Excellent dynamic response
♦ Very high power factor and yields
♦ Better welding characteristics
♦ Ease of use
The sensitive components used in our inverter MIG welders are cooled with forced air by fans with low noise production, and our inverter MIG welders also feature sophisticated, electronic overheat protections to prevent damage to your machine.