The Machine torch for the MicroCut 875 SC does it's job. Sometimes that's a whole review, right?
It's hard to review the torch without also reviewing the cutter and the consumables as they all work as a team. I've been overall really happy with this Machine/Torch/Consumable setup. I get to run my cuts as quick as any other 45 amp machine could, at a price, both in purchase and ongoing that is hard to beat. Consumable changes are quick, simple, you're back to work. At $9 a consumable pair, with long lasting shield bodies, caps, swirl rings, etc, it's all been good. I have yet to find a reason to have the rack on the front of the torch body that other machines may have, and it makes installing the torch faster to not have it.
Cons? You will want to keep the end of the torch body clean, especially if cutting over water. Something about the design gets water into the mating surface of the shield body and torch itself, which will gum up the safety contact pins. I haven't deduced a reason or a solution other than to clean off the end of the torch during our weekly maintenance routine and let it air dry at the end of that day, which has fixed that issue. Not a huge thing in the end, but worth knowing to do if you're running the table 40+ hours a week like we do.